Enamel Classic S.s. Salad Servers

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  • Code: EM1023-2
  • Size: 33 cm
In a perfect world, everything would run smoothly when you're hosting a dinner. The bread would have risen to perfection, the cocktails would be just strong enough without being overpowering, the lasagna wouldn't burn and the dessert would appeal to even the fussiest eaters. But we don't live in a perfect world and we don't always have control over everything going smoothly at a dinner party, but what we do have control over is presentation.
These Enamel Classic S.S. Salad Servers are what you use when you care about presentation and quality. You know aesthetics matter and these servers tell your guests that you know details are important and you care enough to go that extra mile to make sure that what you do have power over, you do right. Plastic servers? Not in your kitchen and not for your guests.